2015 Schuman Lecture: The European Union’s Climate and Energy Policy, a driver for growth and innovation

Why does the European Union continue to set ambitious climate targets, go further in pricing CO2 emissions and strengthening low-carbon regulation and standards, notwithstanding its economic crisis?
How is this being perceived by citizens, cities and businesses? Are there any obstacles to Europe’s leading by example and speaking with one voice on the international stage on climate action?
Connie Hedegaard is the Chair of the Board of the KR Foundation, based in Copenhagen. She was EU Commissioner for Climate Action from 2010 – 2014. Prior to that, she was Minister for the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen (2009), Danish Minister of Climate and Energy (2007 – 2009) and Danish Minister for Environment (2004 – 2007).
The 2015 Schuman Lecture is part of the ANU Centre for European Studies’ three year partnership with ABC Radio National. Big Ideas from Europe focusses on the major social, cultural, scientific and political issues from contemporary Europe. The series features panel discussions, interviews and public lectures by eminent scholars and public fi gures.
It is broadcast on Radio National and also available as a podcast, with additional reading material available on the Big Ideas website.
For more information visit Big Ideas: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/bigideas/ The ANUCES is an initiative involving five ANU Colleges (Arts and Social Sciences,Law, Business and Economics, Asia and the Pacific and Medicine, Biology and Environment) co-funded by the ANU and the European Union.
For bookings please RSVP below
Molonglo Theatre, Level 2 JG Crawford Building 132, Lennox Crossing
- Connie Hedegaard – Former EU Commissioner for Climate Action, 2010-2014
- 02 6125 9896